Proximity Interaction Platform

Insiteo Proximity Interaction platform allows you to easily enable your Apps with:

  • user notifications, even when the app is not running,
  • content delivery (webviews, media content…),
  • contextualization: use in-app deep linking to drive your user right to the valuable content,
  • IoT and local interactions: control in-building devices or systems,
  • any other value-added action you may be thinking of.


We built our platform so you can ensure these interactions are delivered at the most relevant location and time. We let you define rich and flexible criteria: you just have to define when and at which proximity conditions you want the interaction to be delivered. Our SDK ensures it is properly done, whether your app is running or not.

Typical use-cases include the following ones:

  • welcome users when they reach your premises, create an incentive to use your app and drive them to the proper application page,
  • adapt your application content in real-time depending on users’ location inside your building and even within a single room (nearby promotion, meeting room equipments, artworks, healthcare information, security rules …),
  • connect to and control nearby devices or in-building systems,
  • analytics: monitor performance delivery of your content and notifications, but also get to learn a lot about how well the space is used within your premises (heat maps, dwell times per area)

We are convinced you have figured out other great scenarios, with Insiteo’s platform they’ll be straightforward to implement !

Unique App & Location Analytics

Insiteo provides a unique Analytics suite to help you monitor the performance of your solution and learn a lot about user interactions an behaviors.

When enabled, our analytics platform provides:

  • metrics about all Interactivity events (Notifications, Webviews, …)
  • outdoor & indoor location statistics (visits in a given area, recurring visits per user, dwell times, aggregated user counts, …)
  • all indicators are processed by our BI engine: easily dig into large volumes of data along any criteria you which (time, date, OS, device, app installation date, and so many more…)
  • our analytics platform is open: tag your own events in our system and monitor them along with the native indicators provided by our platform.

We also provide a Premium analytics suite. It allows you to easily visualize any data and make it much more valuable. With this tool, you can have a quick glance at overall indicators and easily drill down into data, down to a given shop, user, device type or period of time. Ask for your Insiteo’s Business Intelligence web suite login.



Straightforward integration

Our platform has three main components:

  • a web interface to configure, operate and supervise services
  • a mobile SDK for iOS and Android
  • beacons that you can order from us

In between these two, we take care of everything, and our SDK handles everything related to beacon detections, indoor and outdoor location, triggering actions and reporting analytics.

Your solution can easily be plugged to our services on two different ends:

  • at the application level you just have to embed our SDK
  • on the server side, the simplest way forward is to use our web interface, but you may as well use our REST API to configure and update services directly from your own system.


Getting started

Technical solution overview

Access to the SDK download and How-to